Hennie de Klerk & Juan Möhr – About 2024

South African entrepreneur and dune conqueror, Hennie de Klerk, has committed to once again take part in the gruelling Dakar Rally in 2023 which will be his third entry into this thrilling race. Adriaan Roets will be sitting next to Hennie as his navigator! Watch this space!

Hennie de Klerk (South Africa), Driver

Career Highlights:

  • South African Cross-Country Driver

Juan Möhr (South Africa), Navigator

Career Highlights:

  • South African Cross-Country Navigator
  • Name: Hennie de Klerk
  • Age: 51
  • City and Country of Residence: South Africa
  • Dakar 2024 Class: Car FIA T1/T2
  • Race number: TBA
  • Married: Yes
  • Spouse’s name: Franciska de Klerk
  • First Dakar?: No
  • Previous Dakar’s? Provide year(s): 2018 and 2022
  • Optional information: (In this space, please provide a short history of your racing career.)
    • Hennie de Klerk is a South African privateer racing driver known for his involvement in off-road and cross-country racing.
    • Hennie de Klerk gained recognition in the motorsports scene primarily for his participation in off-road and cross-country racing events. He is particularly associated with the Dakar Rally, one of the most challenging and prestigious off-road endurance races in the world.
    • In 2018, Hennie de Klerk made his debut at the Dakar Rally, driving his Toyota Hilux with navigator Gerhard Schutte. The team competed in the 40th edition of the race, which took place in South America. While it was his first attempt at the Dakar Rally, completing the race itself is considered a significant achievement due to its grueling nature and the tough conditions participants face, he finished as the Rookie Winner – the first South African to achieve this.
    • In 2020 Hennie and his navigator Johann Smalberger delivered a formidable performance in a TreasuryONE Nissan Navara, only to be robbed of a fine top-20 finish after a final day failure. Still, they maintained Hennie’s 100% Dakar finishing record.
    • What made you want to do the Dakar?
      • While it’s common for CEOs to immerse themselves in their work, it’s equally important to explore interests beyond the boardroom. A competitive hobby can be the key to unlocking benefits that not only enrich personal lives but also contribute to enhanced leadership, stress relief, and improved decision-making within the business realm.
      • Embracing New Challenges: As founder and CEO of a business in South Africa, the role demands constant innovation and the willingness to test boundaries and engaging in a competitive hobby, such as participating in the Dakar Rally, perfectly aligns with my adventurous spirit. The pursuit of conquering the world’s toughest rally race demonstrates my appetite for pushing limits and finding new and better ways to perform in our field of expertise.
      • Beyond the adrenaline rush, for me, a competitive hobby instils valuable skills that are transferable to the world of business. Endurance, resilience, adaptability, and determination are qualities essential to thrive in both rally racing and running a business within the current challenges we face in South Africa. My participation in Dakar allows me to hone these attributes, creating a powerful ripple effect that permeates our entire business.
  • Brand of bike or car: Toyota
  • Who will be your support at Dakar 2024: Roy Obery, Johann Smallberger, Tjaart van der Walt and Johan Bekker
  • Main sponsor? TreasuryONE (Pty) Ltd
  • Other sponsors? (Clothing, helmets – anything goes): I.M. Lubri Fuel